During an adventure across India two great friends, Marie et Aurélie decided to bring their inspirations together to create a line of ready-to-wear and accessories for young girls. Louise Misha (A combination of Marie’s and Aurelie’s beloved grandmother’s names) was created in 2012, from the desire to rediscover the beauty of authentic, crafted things, made with dedication and care towards every detail.

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During an adventure across India two great friends, Marie et Aurélie decided to bring their inspirations together to create a line of ready-to-wear and accessories for young girls. Louise Misha (A combination of Marie’s and Aurelie’s beloved grandmother’s names) was created in 2012, from the desire to rediscover the beauty of authentic, crafted things, made with dedication and care towards every detail.

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    Bloomers Amolika Honey

    , ,
    Bloomers Amolika Honey from Louise Misha made of 100% Organic Cotton. Layered ruffles on sides, elasticized waist and leg openings.


    Includes 19% Mwst
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